About RYLA

RYLA to me is so much more than just another leadership camp. RYLA was the first place I learned how to be a sociable person. Not only did RYLA help me break out of my comfort zone, but RYLA shaped me as a human being. I’m so excited for [next year], so I can help another participant break out of their comfort zone.

Jelynda Elliot

Fulton County High School

The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an awesome program for high school sophomores who show potential leadership qualities, but for whatever the circumstances have not risen to their full level of potential. This program seeks to build the confidence and leadership qualities within the participants. Working with these kids allows us to help build a foundation of future success for each participant. Students must be in good standing with the school, no current disciplinary issues, and have at least a 2.65 grade point average.

This program, sponsored by Rotary District 6710, is in its 15th year. Rotarians from all over the district volunteer their time and talents for 3 ½ days to work with the participants to awaken and feed the leader within them. There is a jam-packed schedule with lots of work and fun, all of which are goal-driven. The program is meant to build their confidence and awaken the leader within them. By the end of the program, lives have been changed.

RYLA aims to:

  • Demonstrate Rotary’s respect and concern for youth
  • Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders
  • Encourage leadership of youth by youth
  • Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities

Every RYLA program covers the following core topics:

  • Fundamentals of leadership
  • Ethics of positive leadership
  • Importance of communication skills in effective leadership
  • Problem-solving and conflict management
  • Rotary’s purpose and service to the community
  • Building self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Elements of community and global citizenship

Within District 6710, there are 55 clubs that sponsor the participants from their local high schools. We bring them all together at the Wendell H. Ford National Guard Training Center in Greenville, Kentucky. During the 3 ½ days, the participants are teamed with others to begin completing projects and assignments throughout the weekend. The teams and individuals are overseen by adult volunteer Team Leaders. This year, the theme of RYLA is – Rotary: Building Tomorrow’s Leaders Today. There is a project assigned to each team and awards are given for the best project.

This year, the participants will be exposed to:

  • The Fire Prevention Training Center for all Kentucky Firefighters
  • Strengthsfinder
  • Four different leadership sessions
  • Mining Gold in the Lost Duchman’s Gold Mine with retired National Guardsman, Col. Bates
  • An Obstacle Course
  • Completing a service project to feed the hungry
  • Completing a mental health service-related project
  • A group project requiring participation, leadership, and creativity
  • Most importantly, learning the value of leadership they have within themselves